My heart goes boom tonight by looking Replay Capital Land "How can all eat without destroying the planet?"
Ok these are topics that have already been treated by Yann Arthus Bertrand and Nicolas Hulot, it does not remove unless these issues are serious and current. But what do we do?
Not later that 15 days y 'at a family dinner, generational conflict (?) I'd say most of the conflict "consumption" and "convictions" was taking place! For over 4 years we are Locavore (I just discovered the term then I would actually share) v. to d. we try to eat foods from local agriculture and this daily. Even when we lived in the Paris region we buy our vegetables at a farmer's corner and the milk of goats at a nearby goat (I will doing part time in this column. )
Since we live in Aquitaine, we buy our weekly fruit, vegetables and farm eggs (high in the open air) in a market garden on the corner, so that we consume seasonal produce for a budget average of 11 euros per week for 4 people . Here lies the subject of the conflict here this afternoon between my parents and us.
Before a large plate of fruit (delicious and beautiful incidentally) but absolutely not in season or locally you can imagine. Although I (and our children as well) an avid gourmet raspberries, strawberries, mangoes and other fruits, honey could not help (and rightly) to observe that this dessert was definitely not green citizen. Ouch
What had we not say!
Is it just a conflict of ideas (see ideals), different practices or simply a generational conflict? Ok my parents are not "green" and often when we discuss this subject of ecology (table, yours is it the place of all major discussions), they are already full of anti-theses and dissertations for us show that we are "nice" show "just environmentalists" (and there is not very nice in their head that term) but the reality is still there.
We always eat more from any unrestricted but I ntil when? Can we pretend that we did not know?
Can we buy without looking at the origin of our fruits and vegetables?
Can we still eat more without looking at the package labels (always more numerous and individual!)?
Can we buy without looking at the origin of our fruits and vegetables?
Can we still eat more without looking at the package labels (always more numerous and individual!)?
The can you?
We no!
This is my darling who made me aware of this reading products at this sort, this possibility to refuse to buy, what power we have to say NO as a consumer! But mostly it's becoming parents that we felt in us as a duty to protect and educate our children against this consumption ation.
Seasons is stupid and simple, the seasons. Just 4 seasons that punctuate our lives since the dawn of time, moving more and more, some are even shorter. But above all it is the season that make the grape is so good in September, so juicy tomatoes in July, so fragrant cabbage in December. But do you know yet when only grow zucchini? Why buy grapes in France from Morocco when we can eat the same? I'm not saying that we must not deprive any, far from my mind, but just think about what our food choices trained.
For years I told myself, we should not eat red meat .... And I tell myself that soon I would dare take the plunge. We already eat mostly a lot of fish (I taste precise) at home. Capital and the documentary has only reinforce my ideas about this decision. It is so much better a steak from organic farming, a cow who has not eaten grain but grazed green grass. Slim! It is still against nature! and amazing that we take for God and decide to make our herbivores of "céréalivores " ! No, it does not shock you?
Look where we are now? And the U.S. is not the only ones with questionable practices, the French we're not saints! This topic is brief discussion with our family and we are often labeled "ecologists" (which is not wrong I admit we have a conscience, practices and commitments ecocitizens daily) but the exchange of ideas should it come down to this: young environmentalists and their ideas make Baba cool parents and relatives "normal".
I think not and do not want to believe. Of course it is tiresome discussions where the volume peaked in the end for one of the protagonists decides to throw in the towel. It's tiring this perpetual conflict (not that generational "No it's an answer that does not suit me).
It's tiring to hear Aunt Gertrude told us "we do not know anything, that in his time there was not much fuss, "listen to the Leo cousin, Ipod screwed to the ears, you scream" to do the Green Revolution as it suggests a group on Facebook! "trying not to strangle her bread when Uncle Polo tells you "the qu's'est French farmers who ruin the French agriculture" Sink your teeth into a freshly cut slice of pineapple.
Slice of Life invented, escaped from my imagination flowering or chosen times and lived? I silence my sources ....
Still, my heart goes boom when addressing ecological this subject, my guts Taurus ( Yes yes I am bull, full and passionate ) shake when I see still photos of these American Feed Lots and when I know that our cows in France are mainly fed on cereals.
Am I too sensitive and naive, or other parents as we are concerned about what tomorrow will be served on plates of their children in the canteen? How we feed without destroying the planet and with our health?
That is the question!
Is this something that appeals to you?
Are you concerned?
What are you doing everyday?
Are you concerned?
What are you doing everyday?
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